Basma Hameed may not look like your typical tattoo artist, but that's because her ink-driven cause is anything but ordinary. After suffering terrible facial burns as a child, Basma devoted her life to paramedical tattooing, helping trauma victims cover up their burns and scars with skin-colored pigmentation treatments. Her profession is especially meaningful to the 17-year-old girl featured in this video, who had boiling water thrown in her face by ruthless bullies. Faced with the possibility of lifelong scarring, she sought Basma's help.
According to her website, "Basma discovered the possibilities of permanent make-up by experimenting on herself and using her own life experiences with scars to frame her expertise." Through this work, she hopes to showcase clients' inner and outer beauty by restoring their self-esteem through micro pigment implantation. While her method is untraditional (we'd never even heard of such a thing until now), we applaud her effort to transform clients and give them the confidence to hold their heads high again. Basma's a wonderful example of a woman who's overcome adversity to not only improve her own life, but to create positive change all around her, too.
What did you think of Basma's inspiring story? Sound off in the comments below and make sure to share if you found her life's work as uplifting as we did.